Sunday, May 15, 2011

5th Year Still Life drawings.

Below are some excellent examples of our 5th year still life drawings.

NCAD Portfolio entry 2012

Its that time of year again for 5th year students to start building their portfolio. All art colleges apart from NCAD except any form of art work. NCAD however have their own art brief. Here is a link to their Portfolio brief. Best of luck.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

1st Year Image Enlargement project.

1st Year Students back in January worked on an image enlargement project- students selected their favourite food logo and recreated that logo.

TY Students painting the 'Class Act' back Drops

Due to the severe winter, "Class Act" was postponed until late January. Here we can see the Excellent Work that the TY students did in re-creating the back drops.

Blog Back up!

As you can see its been a while since the website has been updated. This was due to password problems. Lets not waste anymore time an update our blog to show all the excellent work that was created this year in the De la Salle Dundalk.